We all know cloud has been the buzz word over the last few years, and with less misplaced fear over security and more clarity and understanding that Hosted solutions offer peace of mind, we are going to walk you through some jargon-free advice so you can consider whether hosting your voice solution in the cloud is right for YOU.
Cloud basics

How does Telecoms work in the cloud?

Telephony over the cloud is the delivery of technology as a service rather than a product, like a utility but over an internet connection. Because it is an internet based service, you are also freed from wired connectivity and can expand voice capability into wireless & mobile data zones too.
Who typically benefits from Hosted voice most?

Businesses who require flexibility for remote workers.

Those who need a Disaster Recovery plan.

Multiple site organisations requiring 1 system.

If I don’t have a huge internet connection, would it jeopardise Hosted voice?
Whilst a larger connection never harmed anyone, Voice calls actually only use up 75Kb per call, meaning if there is an office where 10 people are on hosted calls simultaneously, that would only use 1Mb of internet bandwidth which would hardly even touch the sides on most business connections. The key with connectivity is to ensure it is stable, with low latency and contention.
What are the benefits of hosted voice?
Cut the cord
Empower business & remote workers with an ‘office everywhere’.
User management within one portal – claim back independence.
Through engineers on the phone and our anti-fraud network.
Financial control & transparency
CAPEX/OPEX models, low IP tariffs & bill analytics.
Disaster Recovery
Office compromised? Continue business with web/soft-phones.
Future flexible
Moving? Working remotely? Save with Hosted features rather than investing additional lines.
Cost savings
Only pay competitive prices for what you use.
Direct providers of Hosted platforms will be Telecoms experts and offer a modern-day solution built with reliability in mind.
If I feel like the benefits of Hosted voice would suit my requirements what would I do?
If you believe you could benefit from a friendly chat with a telecoms expert on whether moving your telephony system to the cloud is right for you, speak to us for impartial advice and what it would mean for you.