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Is Your Phone System Ready for The Flex Revolution?

Whilst unlocking ourselves from the Covid-19 pandemic feels to be going at snail’s pace, office workers have undergone change at hypersonic speed. Yes, working from home was a ‘thing’ before coronavirus, but it wasn’t mainstream.

Some businesses embraced home working, but it was mostly seen as an activity to only be undertaken in exceptional circumstances; a deadline to hit that demanded absolute peace and quiet, a sick child to look after or a docs appointment…

Less trusting bosses viewed working from home as a skive – how on earth could employees be trusted to work / not watch daytime TV / not do the food shop?

Consequently, very few businesses, pre-pandemic, were set up to cater for regular home working.

As we all know, things have changed!  What was started in haste, and at the Government’s request, sets to become the norm. Many businesses have, or are working on, plans that allow employees to regularly work at home, in the office and anywhere else that they need to. ‘Hybrid working’ are the new buzzwords.

Yes, workers can be trusted. In fact, it’s proven that productivity has gone up. Yes, many of them enjoy the work/life balance. And yes, businesses are embracing the change. But are their systems set up for the Flex Revolution?

Many businesses have phone systems that are lagging behind.

Telephony products that were, justifiably, designed for workers to be mainly office-based are simply not cutting the mustard. Answering and transferring calls is sketchy. Making changes to the set-up via a complex supply chain can prove clunky. And there’s the expense – working remotely can prove costly on systems not specifically designed for such use.

Voip cloud-based telephony is the way forward, and one example of how the flexible working revolution can be seized.

Using remote cloud-based servers to host telephone systems allows worldwide working. Answer calls anywhere there’s an internet connection. Ensure all calls get answered quickly and by the right people. Benefit from apps that enhance the user and customer experience.

Whether in the office on a handset, at home on a computer, or hiking with a mobile, users will be able to answer and action calls.

Here at Voip Unlimited our award-winning, PC Pro Recommended ‘Voip Exchange’ has recently been endorsed by the Magazine for giving flexibility ideal for the Flex Revolution. Whilst all Voip platforms operate under the same principle of providing a telephone service over the internet, not all services offer such flexibility and professionalism at affordable rates.

So, how is Voip Exchange better at providing flexible telephony solutions?

Firstly, think about internet network provision.

Most Voip systems rely on using someone else’s network, so who is responsible when things don’t work? The answer is who knows! Both the Voip system and the network providers could blame each other for sluggish service; whilst there will be an answer it could take a while to find it! Conversely, Voip Exchange is hosted on Voip-Unlimited’s own network. We control both the Voip platform and the network/customer connectivity, so can quickly diagnose and resolve issues – we won’t waste time passing the buck.

Flexing our muscles

As requirements change so can Voip Exchange. We’ll quickly flex our technology muscles, adapting the product to cater for new needs. As an example, acknowledging the increased and vital need for video conferencing, we worked at pace to enhance capabilities; our combined Voip and internet platforms allow clean, consistent video calls wherever and whenever you need them.

Our call-handling services are extensive – ideal for hybrid working. Users can update their voice messages from their personal cloud portal, add an email address for voicemail to be sent to alongside setting up call forwarding. Additionally, ‘hunt groups’ can be set up so that all calls are answered, wherever team members are working.

Flexing your muscles

As your business changes so too will your telephony needs. We’ll adapt with you, making sure that you have a system to cater for your future. We’ll provide a personal service at small business prices.

Flexible pricing

One size does not fit all – don’t pay for the wrong size! Some businesses need only a simple package relying on the use of our Voip Exchange mobile and PCs as softphones; our packages will work for you. Alternatively, if you have a complex business with hundreds of telephony users dotted around the globe, we can cater for you with a mix of solutions, although rest assured that our prices are still exceptionally competitive, as endorsed by PC Pro; that’s another advantage of avoiding the middlemen.

Are you ready to flex?

How far are you along the hybrid-working pathway? If you’re ready for the flex revolution, but your telephony is not, we’re here to help.

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